Big Up To Games Down Under

Evidence in the Interactive Australia 2007 report

Posted by Staff
Big Up To Games Down Under
A new report shows that gaming is no longer a pastime occupied by spotty, anti-social 16 year olds – at least in Australia – a nation more noted for its outdoor recreation. The report was commissioned by The Interactive Entertainment Association of Australia (IEAA) – effectively a body comprising Aussie-based games publishers; so a pinch of salt may be required before digesting the figures.

The figures show that 41% of Australian gamers are female and 8% are over 60 years-old. Gaming has also become an activity in which families are taking a lot more interest, with 35% of gamers being parents and 77% of parents now playing video games with their children.

The report is based on a study of 1,606 households. Other facts revealed include the fact that 79% of Australian homes now have a “gaming device”; however the report does not state what it classifies as a gaming device. It was also show that in 2006 more than 12.5-million games were sold in Australia.

The question is, are these statistics reflected in the rest of the world?

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