George Bush Mole Hunt Game on Mobile

At last, knock sense into Dubya with a comedy mallet

Posted by Staff
George Bush Mole Hunt Game on Mobile
Mobile games are generally one of three things: Tedious, pointless or sometimes even a total waste of time and money. SPOnG would even stick our neck out and claim that the worst of the genre (ie most of them) can well be accused of being all of these three things.

However, we will make an exception for the just-released Bush Wacked from Scottish developer Pixel Magick – a Mole Hunt style game whereby you are charged with destroying Dubya’s poll-rating by simply whacking him with a mallet.

There simply is no better way to brighten up a grey Monday morning by pretending to hit a cartoon version of the man so many of us hold responsible for all the contemporary world’s ills with a big comedy hammer.

You also have to avoid 'wacking bombs' and get rewarded with a classic and hilarious ‘Bush bon mot’ when you successfully complete a level.

It’s available for pretty much most phones for around a measly two quid!

Download it from Pixel Magick’s 1 Thumb Fun website right now!

(Source: Pocket Gamer)


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