Ghostbusters Game Revival: Videos Bring Hope!

Though is it all a massive cruel hoax?

Posted by Staff
Ghostbusters Game Revival: Videos Bring Hope!
There is some really quite tantalising footage creeping around the Internet right now that has many a grown man whimpering with nostalgia, eying their newly-adopted next-generation gaming consoles with a longing look. The property is the smash-hit 80's movie, Ghostbusters and the footage purports to be a game-project based on the film.

The first report cropped up over at Ain't It Cool News and highlights the fact that the name behind the rolling material is ZootFly, the studio credited with the Panzer Elite Action games published by JoWood. Zootfly's CEO is one Bostjan Troha and the video page on YouTube hosting the clips is Bostjanzoot...

What we see looks to be based on either a mod of Gears of War or a project built from the ground up using the same engine, Epic's Unreal 3...

Have a look for yourself and let us know what you think. The footage does purport to be a "In-game movie[s] of a Ghostbusters game prototype," though it could just be part of a design proposal, an elaborate hoax or who knows, perhaps a real game.

Those of you older than you care to admit will no doubt remember the quite excellent Ghostbusters game that set the home computer scene ablaze when it launched alongside the original movie. Though should recent revelations result in a full game release, a darker twist on the strategy lite gameplay can be expected.

As soon as we find out more, you'll be the first to know.


Joji 16 Jan 2007 10:09
Have to say anew Ghost busters game would be very cool. With the two-multiplayer aspect we have in gaming today its just another cool film waiting to be done again.

I'd certainly by it. I'd expect a kind of a cross between Phantasy Star Online's/FPS gameplay where group effort is key to progress.

All I know is I ain't on trap duty, I'd rather shoot them ghouls.

I think the recent similar Ghost Hunter can be improved upon easily.
YenRug 16 Jan 2007 15:50
Well, the other two demo videos uploaded, previewing a game called TIME0, are tagged with the URL at the end of them...
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