Is Guitar Hero II Better on Drugs?

Our survey says no

Posted by Staff
The list of ten exclusive-to-360 devil's music Guitar Hero II tunes that Activision is to ‘officially’ tell us about later today has spread across the internet like a filthy virus. Read on for the details of the set-list that you’ll no doubt be rocking out to this coming Easter.

SPOnG called it last week, informing you that Guitar Hero 2 for Xbox 360 would be getting a worldwide release this coming March.

This week, we decided to carry out a quick poll of friends and colleagues who are fans and regular players of Guitar Heroes (I and II) on the PS2, simply asking them, “Is Guitar Hero better if you are drunk or high?”

“It’s certainly more fun, although your timing goes all to pot (sic) and your score is miserable,” one respondent told us.

“Guitar Hero on drugs?! Are you insane? There is absolutely no way man! Only losers use drugs,” another well-known illegal drug-abuser informed us, laced with what we can only presume to be intended heavy irony.

Anyways, back to the latest devil-tunes which will grace the 360 version this coming March:

- Alice Cooper - Billion Dollar Babies
- My Chemical Romance - Dead!
- Deep Purple - Hush
- Pearl Jam - Life Wasted
- Rick Derringer - Rock N Roll Hoochie Koo
- Toadies - Possum Kingdom
- Rancid - Salvation
- Iron Maiden - The Trooper

More rock and roll news on new and exciting downloadable tracks and microtransactions (*snore*) to follow soon.


AndyGray 9 Jan 2007 12:36
The real question is how many people who already own Guitar Hero II on PS2 will then buy it on 360 as well?

The lure of extra songs and further downloadable content in the future (I'm such a sucker!) may win the day for me.

Plus can you ever have too many guitars?
LUPOS 9 Jan 2007 18:38
Legend Simian wrote:
The real question is how many people who already own Guitar Hero II on PS2 will then buy it on 360 as well?

Ill most likely pass off GH1 for ps2 to a friend who hasnt upgraded yet and not look back. Funny thing is i dont even own a ps2 but thanks to my "industry friends" i got the game and guitar for basically 15 bucks. who could pass that up. i just play it at friends houses anyway.

I know my story doesnt help since ther percentage of GH1 owners who dont own ps2 is probably pretty slim :-D
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Dreadknux 9 Jan 2007 19:11
I can't exactly pass on my copy. My review code'll never play in retail PS2's. A. Shame. Woe. Is. Them. :)

Although the burning question I have is, is that 360 geetar wireless? I'm pretty sure it's been announced whether it has one way or the other and I'm just lapsing right now (Uni is a real pain in the ass - but at least I can place my favourite preview article of Canis Canem Edit in an assignment portfolio and thoroughly crap the pants of my tutors *glee*).

So can someone humour a student who's behind on his GEETARness? Please? XD
LUPOS 9 Jan 2007 19:19
Svend Joscelyne wrote:
So can someone humour a student who's behind on his GEETARness? Please? XD

Wired sadly. RO wanted to make it wireless but MS's wireles tech is propritary(sp?) and they dont license it to anyone else. Shame that. On the upside guitars should have cords and its not like I play sitting on my couch anyway.

Dreadknux 9 Jan 2007 19:20
No, but you can gently strum. :)
Acoustic Hero, coming soon from RedOctane.
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