Nanostray 2 Trailer - Here

Shin'en launches first trailer

Posted by Staff
Shin'en has released the first eye-watering trailer for Nanostray 2. We've got every day-glo second of it for your perusal.

The new trailer looks nothing short of gosh-darned good. SPOnG's pleased to see a shooter on the DS that has clearly had a lot of care taken over it. It's also nice to re-live those strange feelings of elation that disco brought over us when John Travolta could still wear a pair of 32' trousers…

Have a gander at the trailer below and let us know what you reckon on the Forum.

MPEG4 XviD (3.3MB)
Quicktime (4.0MB)
Windows Media (3.3MB)

If you missed out on the Nanostray franchise on its first outing then let SPOnG enlighten you. It's a flight-based shooter built specifically for the DS with blistering visuals and a strange disco-esque quality. It's your job to fight off rabid swarms of nasties and… well, you get the picture. For more on the series' first incarnation check out our dedicated page.



ozfunghi 8 Jan 2007 17:14
Maybe it's me, but the graphics don't seem as good as the first one. If NIBRIS' RoTR ever sees the light of day, i wonder how it'll stack up to Nanostray.
RiseFromYourGrave 8 Jan 2007 23:33
youre right, the graphics look very bland and run of the mill here, i happen to think the first nanostray game has some of the best graphics yet displayed on the ds, so this looks very noticably worse
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