Following reports that
Metal Gear Solid’s Hideo Kojima wants to develop for Wii,
Radiant Silvergun and
Gunstar Heroes creators,
Treasure has also owned up a Wii desire.
Kojima's comments on the Wii came during an interview with
GamePro magazine in which he said:
”Wii! [laughs] Yes, I want to do it. I’m saying this everyday. But first, I have to face this giant that is called Metal Gear Solid 4, so until I’m finished with that, I can’t do anything.”
Ikaruga team is currently beavering away putting the finishing touches to two projects on Xbox 360 and DS, but Maegawa-san is already making noises about wanting to make a Wii game, stating clearly in a recent 1UP interview that, “…absolutely, in the future, we'll make a Wii game. We've already been in discussions with Nintendo about it… We're just brainstorming right now, but I am already certain we'll be able to do something really unique with it."
Treasure is revered amongst the hardcore fraternity (and even smaller hardcore sorority!) for two simple reasons: Firstly, it makes damn fine 2D shoot-em-ups. ‘Pure gameplay’ is probably the most overused phrase when writing about or discussing Treasure’s impressive back catalogue.
Secondly, it genuinely
cares for the fans and it’s not that worried about platform wars if they interfere with its game creation - as Treasure president Masato Maegawa outlines:
“When we create games, we don't necessarily think about which platforms are going to have the highest installed base, we think about which platforms are going to be easiest to make games on - or more specifically, our games on.”
Gunstar Heroes has of course recently been made available on Wii’s Virtual Console, and Treasure is keen to bring more of its back catalogue to both Virtual Console and Xbox Live Arcade.
However, Maegawa admirably notes that, "We've actually had conversations internally about whether this is disrespectful to our hardcore fans, but hopefully people don't see it that way."
Details on the 360 title are sparse, other than it’s set to be a full-priced retail game and an ‘original shooting title’ and hopefully (for Treasure) published by Microsoft Game Studios.