Games Get Into Your Head

Well, on to it, actually

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Headway Incorporated is set to unveil the final design of its Headplay Personal Cinema system. The system, can also be used with games consoles, makes its virgin appearance at this year's Consumer Electronics Show.

"A personal cinema system, so what?" you may well say. And that's pretty fair. The thing is, this is really personal. So personal, it attaches to your face. The screen for the system takes the form of a visor (of the no-topped baseball cap variety) with an attached display system.

The display system (or "Viewer") provides a virtual 52-inch screen that's compatible with game consoles, DVD players, iPods, PCs and mobile phones. It also reads stored media using compact flash or USB. Further to that, it's expected to be compatible with stored SD, XD, Memory Stick and Smart Media at the time of launch.

Anyone remember Sega VR? Headplay's system recalls fond memories of that quietly botched piece of kit. This isn't quite the same, as Headplay is simply putting the viewing screen much closer to your face. It does have a similar Back to the Future II-esque quality, though.

The initial cost will be $499 (£257) and will be available in April. If you want an early look and happen to be around Las Vegas then get down to CES between January 8th and 11th.


SPInGSPOnG 4 Jan 2007 23:21
Nothing new about this. I've had a Sony Glasstron, like the one below, for about 8 years. There were several models.

What we need is a HD face-mounted screen.

Olympus made the Eye Trek about 5/6 years ago too.

Joji 5 Jan 2007 00:18
So like, what happens if you already where glasses then?
vault 13 5 Jan 2007 08:08
What happens when they actually make one that's good let alone worth buying?
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