Ubisoft's Euro PS3 Launch Line-up Detailed

Heavy on the Clancy please!

Posted by Staff
Ubisoft has just sent over details of its latest 2007 release schedule which details the company’s five Euro PS3 titles scheduled for the console’s launch this coming March.

These are, rather unsurprisingly, the Tom Clancy staples Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2, Splinter Cell Double Agentwhich was announced just before ChristmasRainbow Six: Vegas plus arcade-style flight combat game
Blazing Angels and awesome RPG The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The PS3 version of Splinter Cell Double Agent is to contain exclusive PS3 content including new multiplayer maps and skins, plus full ‘tilt-sneak’ support for the sixaxis controller in both single player and multiplayer modes.

The PS3 version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion meanwhile is set to be the same basic game currently available on PC and 360, although we are promised ‘exclusive to PS3’ downloads at some currently unspecified point in the future.

Roll on Easter! While Ubi’s line-up contains little that is truly new or original, SPOnG is keen to play and compare all the above titles with their 360 counterparts. As ever, we’ll bring you more news, previews and reviews on all the above-mentioned titles as soon as we physically can!


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