PlayStation 3 Will Win Console War

So says research ‘experts’

Posted by Staff
PlayStation 3 Will Win Console War
Forget the rest, the PS3 will rule the console market... by 2010. This comes to us officially via a report from Dublin-based marketeers, Research & Markets (“…the leading source for international market research and market data”, so it must be right).

The €2,028.00 report, headlined The Transforming Global Video Games Market: The Emergence of Next Generation Gaming states that:
The Sony PlayStation 3 is expected to win the console war in the long term with an install base of around 75 million globally by 2010. The console is not expected to dominate as much as its predecessor, the PS2, due to late launch issues in the PAL region and the early lead of Microsofts Xbox 360.

Yes, that’s 75-million PS3 owners in three years time (bear in mind that PlayStation2 took four years to hit 75-million). So, this would mean selling 25,000,000 units a year from today (OK, yesterday). So, let’s say that’s two-million per month (with a few more each Christmas obviously). However, before its issues with components, Sony was claiming only to be able to produce one-million PS3s per month, so this could prove a stretch.

This is not to say that over three years, with price changes and retooling PS2 fabs - and with a stonking range of games, it can’t be done. A report such as this, so early in the lifespan of PS3, and which confidently predicts who is going the ‘win’ the war (when we’re hardly even through the first post-launch battle) will prove encouraging for Sony in a time when morale at the company is in need of a boost. It could even cheer the fanboys as they wait it out for March.

What’s your opinion? Tell is in the Forum.


hollywooda 2 Jan 2007 14:53
Great....another Sony nob sucking article....
SCiARA 2 Jan 2007 15:13
baa, I would hazard a guess and say that all will see a win this time round. MS will sell huge amounts of units, accessories and games, hell, even make a profit out of it all. Nintendo will sell better than they have since the snes days and Sony might just pip them both on consoles shipped (which will obviously include the 3 PS3 replacements you'll have to buy over the next 7odd years and the millions left of shelves)

Ok so the last bit is another swipe at Sony - so sue me!
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zoydwheeler 2 Jan 2007 15:13
why is this nob-sucking? it seems like a perfectly reasonable news story to me...
TimSpong 2 Jan 2007 15:48
hollywooda wrote:
Great....another Sony nob sucking article....

Oh, for the some-deity’s sake… read it again with the idea that we are reporting on what a firm of market researchers is saying about the games industry.

That's what we do, report on things to do with the games industry.

We don’t agree nor do we disagree because we can’t see into the future.

Oh, happy new year!
Dreadknux 2 Jan 2007 20:13
lawl, hollywooda fails 2007.
sunnydaman 11 Nov 2007 17:21
yeah thats true cause sony maybe known as the company whose consoles are losing in the beginning, but they manage to rise up and crush the competition. look at n64 and ps1. n64 was selling more than ps1 for 2 years straight, but sony came back and sold over 100 million
PreciousRoi 12 Nov 2007 01:49
dude, chill...

I've been complaining about misleadingly controversial titles lately, and this one might qualify, except for the subtitle "So says research ‘experts’", the 'experts' is a pretty dead giveaway...also, the last line where they say "It (this news) could even cheer some fanboys...", seems like pretty faint praise. Most of the rest of the article deals with pointing out how ridiculous the claims are.

This news might even incense some fanboys into making scurrilious accusations against the messenger.

Scurrilious, I say!
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