Yet Another Wii TV Smash...

And this one is recreated with an Etch-A-Sketch!

Posted by Staff
Bonkers. Simply bonkers. He should have played Raving Rabbids of course.
Bonkers. Simply bonkers. He should have played Raving Rabbids of course.
SPOnG informed you yesterday that Nintendo cares. In fact, the company cares so much that they issued some basic safety guidelines to Wii gamers this week, in order to ensure that clumsy, daft nerds don’t hurt themselves, their friends or their TVs by hurling their Wii Remote across the living room at speed.

The latest funny/tragic Wii incident report SPOnG has read has to be this one, with a guy taking the time out to re-create the scene of the Wii crime... on an Etch-A-Sketch. Maybe he had been lead to this insanity following a session with one of the Rayman Raving Rabbids (reviewed here) mini-games that entails drawing objects with the Wii Remote. Maybe not, eh?

SPOnG urges you all to take the utmost care when you finally get your mitts on your Wii tomorrow morning first thing. Otherwise, you might smash your telly and then totally lose your marbles and spend a whole week attempting to re-create the scene on an Etch-A-Sketch like this poor fellow clearly did.

And if our word is not good enough for you, then what about The Boston Globe? A venerable organ for many decades. It's published the following:
:"Warning: Nintendo Co. Ltd. says players of its Wii video game console should use the wrist strap when waving the controller, keep palms dry, and not let go. Some gamers complained they smashed TV screens when they lost their grip on the remote control."

Do you have any funny/tragic videogame related incidents that you wish to re-create on an old 1970s drawing toy? If so, then please tell us about them in the Forum below.



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