Boys Will Not Be Girls

And vice versa - that’s from the horses’ mouths

Posted by Staff
Pink: obviously not a real girl.
Pink: obviously not a real girl.
In a recent survey carried out by Teen social networking site, Teenspot, some 1,150 of teens were asked what was on their Christmas' ‘most wanted list’ for 2006. Now, sit down and hold on tight because... boys wanted games consoles... and girls did not.

These darned kids are simply not 'on message', and it appears that the cross-gender message being pimped and then pimped some more by every major player in the games industry is not getting through to the target market.

According to Frank Simonelli, vice president of marketing for Teenspot's advertising agency, Gorilla Nation, which co-authored the survey, the eager youngsters were polled over a three-week period using open-ended questions; e.g. no multiple choice marketing directions.

And here’s what they came up with:

The most requested holiday gifts among teen girls are:
1) iPod
2) Cell phone
3) Laptop
4) Digital Camera.

For the lads the list went:
1) Playstation 3
2) iPod
3) Xbox 360
4) Nintendo Wii.

The research was summed up in a joint release from the companies:
It's fairly well known that more consumer electronics are sold in the U.S. in the fourth quarter than in the previous three combined, and these lists show why. After wanting iPods, girls' gifts appear to be more communicative and creative, while guys just want to have fun, with 3 out of 4 of their items being videogame systems. While it's no surprise that teens are heavy users of gear and gadgets, whether they're used for practical applications or conspicuous consumption (keeping up with the Jones' kid) is anyone's guess.

A recent Consumer Electronics Association study reports that consumer electronics gifts will account for 25% of all holiday gifts with revenues reaching $21 billion this holiday season, compared to $17 billion (21%) in 2005. Overall household spending for the holidays (gifts, decorations, food, travel and other expenses) is expected to be up 14% this year to $1,625. Of that, half will be spent on gifts - a 27% increase compared to last year - with an average consumer electronics gift cost of $195.

Come on 'the industry' - it's time to pick up your game. Despite all the pink hardware, all the alluring talk of gender-synergising, all the marketing bunce, it's still a mans', mans' world.


RiseFromYourGrave 27 Nov 2006 23:56
"SPOnG" wrote:
Pink: obviously not a real girl.

i could've told you that
headcasephil 28 Nov 2006 10:08
this might because girls have got there nintendo ds and playing animal crossing or Nintendogs or sims2 pets and dont want a diffrent console
more comments below our sponsor's message
TimSpong 28 Nov 2006 12:19
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
"SPOnG" wrote:
Pink: obviously not a real girl.

i could've told you that

Ahhhh... but could you have told Pink that?
kid_77 28 Nov 2006 13:27
Pink = would
RiseFromYourGrave 29 Nov 2006 00:08
probably not, i wouldnt want my nipples piercing
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