Sony Agrees To Replace Faulty PS3s

In Taiwan, following government intervention!

Posted by Staff
Sony Agrees To Replace Faulty PS3s
Taiwan’s Central News Agency reports that after the intervention of the Consumer Protection Commission (CPC), Sony Computer Entertainment Asia has agreed to replace PlayStation 3 game consoles if they have "serious defects".

CNA reports that the commission has confirmed that several PS3s sold in Taiwan "had a tendancy" to overheat or had “jammed memory cards”.

Following a meeting with the CPC, SCEA agreed to replace PS3s that it determined to have "serious defects”. So far this has amounted to a grand total of... two - this, in our opinion, does not equate to 'several'.

It appears to SPOnG-news that the CPC is simply blowing its own trumpet and should really introduce decent consumer protection legislation rather than be forced into lengthy meetings and negotiations: if it is broke, fix it!

Poor legislation aside, this story once again illustrates the lack of units available to Sony; in an environment where plenty of inventory was available, this kind of haggling over defects - and the negative PR that goes with it - would certainly not be the case.


RiseFromYourGrave 27 Nov 2006 23:50
havent sony always been reluctant to acknowledge defects and recompense?
DoctorDee 28 Nov 2006 10:22
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
havent sony always been reluctant to acknowledge defects and recompense?

No better or worse than anyone else. But they've always been portrayed that way by the fan-boys.
RiseFromYourGrave 28 Nov 2006 11:20
i mustve been talking to militant fanboys then. i have spoken to a few people who repair consoles for a living though in my time, and apparently the ps2 was full of substandard parts.
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