Hack and Win A PS3

You have until January 2007 to hack a PS3 running a Toyko-based website…

Posted by Staff
Win a PS3 and be quick about it.
Win a PS3 and be quick about it.
In Setagaya-Ku, a quiet residential suburb of Tokyo, sits a PS3 running ps3.shimpinomori.net. Sitting on this site is a challenge that reads:
Hack the PS3 this site is running on, and you will earn:
* The PS3 with all its default accessories
(note: the hard disk was replaced with a 160 GB hard disk!),
* an HDMI cable,
* Linux (Fedora core 5 PPC + PS3 add-on) preinstalled, of course,
* The game "Resistance - the fall of Man".
You must do a "clean" hacking job : no DOS, no "dirty" attack which saturate the internet tubes. Moreover, do not attack other machines located in the same subnetwork.

Really, there is not a great deal more to be said other than, “Bloody hell, this guy is a total star”.


majin dboy 27 Nov 2006 13:34
niceoneil get on that rite now....or maybe not dont have the first clue about hacking.does anyone here?
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