PS3 And Wii Smashed In Social Experiment

But is it also art? Or just some deliberate atttention-seeking by art students?

Posted by Staff
Hippies with nowt better to do.
Hippies with nowt better to do.
The people who brought us and have now reprised their whacky antics with two new sites aimed at taking the rise out of fan-boys. and are the latest money-wasting, fan-baiting, self-indulgent pranks from the smashing 'portal',

The site, out of Canada, a country famous for its off-the-wallness with characters such as... OK, the site is out of Canada and it states:
Due to success of the site we decided to take the whole smashing thing a little further, and destroy things right when they come out, in front of 100s of fanboys who would be quite upset to see their beloved game console smashed.

"This project only exists for the sole purpose of providing satisfaction to people who hate the [insert object to be smashed], or just like seeing the reaction of the people who just spend a day in line to get their hands on one of these consoles. Entertainment, nothing more!"

As if that isn't enough, the japesters don't even spend their own - or their parents' money. Oh, indeed no. The funsters running the sites ask for donations to help them purchase the kit they are going to demolish.

Obviously in the United Kingdom we’re not getting the chance to smash our PS3s until next freaking March. So, while SPOnG feels the pain of the north American fans looking on with a mix of horror and disbelief as some hippies sledgehammer the world’s most desirable product, there’s also the tiniest frisson of what the Germans call ‘schadenfreude” in the SPOnG news-nerve-centre. For those of SPOnG readers who didn’t bother with learning German, this means: “Pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune.”

As we’re only going to have to wait until December 8th before we dive into to rescue a Wii from obliteration by exhibitionist crusties, we’ll have to make do with observing the videonic antics.

SPOnG can only assume that adding something like, 'smashmysemiautomatic' or 'smashmytelevision' (SmashTV, now that brings back memories) to the smash canon would actually cause rioting in the streets, and your average art student wouldn't want that.

For Nintendo or Microsoft fans (or Sony masochists)

For Sony or Microsoft fans (or Nintendo masochists)


Joji 24 Nov 2006 12:17
Hey, if they wanna smash their consoles, its no skin off my nose. No one will care and be glad its not theirs.

Jeez, some people will do anything for a little Youtube fame.
SCiARA 24 Nov 2006 14:07
Exactly, pretty much pointless and stupid.
more comments below our sponsor's message
PresidentEvil 24 Nov 2006 14:14
These pinko faggots would be horsewhipped to within an inch of their life. That's not an inch short of, it's an inch past - no point wasting energy on these dangerous recidivists.

Under new emergency powers I've just decided to give to myself, damaging consumer goods will be punishable by death.

Remember, hurting people (especially brown or muslim ones) is acceptable, damaging property is wrong.

OptimusP 24 Nov 2006 16:30
i like the different reactions from bystanders.
With the PS3 everyone was like "OMG HE DID NOT JUST BRAKE THAT!!!" with the Wii everyone was applauding...with a few exceptions.

Personally i was hoping the reinforced plate of the Wii would have last longer...ohwell.
RiseFromYourGrave 24 Nov 2006 19:32
i have no problems with them smashing consoles, its kinda funny when theyve waited in line for a week to get the damned thing and also seeing the reactions of bystanders. but doesnt their mission lose a lot of impact when they do it to the more readily available and cheap wii? bit of a step down from a ps3
Smelly 25 Nov 2006 00:14
The wii is just as sold out as the ps3 is you know.

questworld 25 Nov 2006 08:00
What a waste and yeah, I have a problem with that. I don't like people wasting anything (food, electronics, or otherwise) and think "oh, I can just buy another one" because they can afford to. We're already at the point that some countries actually export their garbage to some third-world nation and that's just taking advantage of the latter. Sure regular wear and tear is fine (not great all the same but excusable) but just just destroying something new and in perfect working order is just inexcusable. Go ahead, wreck it if you will, just make sure you eat it, live in it, and drown in it.
SPInGSPOnG 25 Nov 2006 10:34
Smelly wrote:
The wii is just as sold out as the ps3 is you know.

Of course it is. But imagine the simple law of supply and demand.

If there were 100 people who wanted item A, all of whom could afford it.

And 100 People who wanted item B all of whom could afford it.

And there were 5 of item A available for purchase.

And 99 of item B available for purchase.

Both would sell out. Both would be "equally sold out" - but there would still be far greater demand for Item A.

PS3 is item A, Wii is item B - both are sold out, but (for now and rightly or wrongly), there is greater demand for PS3. So more people will be horrified, disappointed, shocked or whatever by the destruction of a PS3.

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