Free Tacos for Life in Exchange for PS3

Donate your PS3 to charity and become fatter than fat Barry Austin

Posted by Staff
Free Tacos for Life in Exchange for PS3
Travelling to the U.S.A.? Living in the U.S.A.? Know anybody who has a Playstation 3 that they’d like to exchange for several tons of fast food? Yes, we think that’s highly unlikely too. But that hasn’t stopped Taco Bell (“Think outside the bun”) from launching the kind of charity request that just reeks of opportunism.

Stateside Taco Bell has launched a new ‘give a PS3 to charity’ campaign in which, in exchange for handing over the most desirable bit of consumer technology currently on planet earth you will get a lifetime supply of tacos! Sony’s super-console will then be given to the Stanton, California, teen centre of the Boys & Girls Club of America.

The company, a division of Yum! Brands (Pizza Hut and KFC), is offering US$12,500 in "Taco Bell Bucks" to anyone who will donate a PlayStation 3. Bear in mind that a seasoned beef crunchy taco costs US$0.99 (50p), so that’s a lot of tacos! Taco Bell Bucks can be redeemed at participating Taco Bell locations for ‘food’.

SPOnG reckons that this will attract, Mmmmm, three PS3s (we guestimate, of course, it could be four) - meaning that Taco Bell ends up by attracting publicity and looking charitable while having to expend almost zero effort.

Just how long ‘a lifetime’ (of the taco or the consumer?) turns out to be, given a diet of mass-produced Mexican fare, has yet to have a documentary made about it. However, SPOnG’s opinion is that once you’ve given your PS3 away, eaten your first 10 Tacos… and realised what you’ve done, it’ll feel like you’ve regressed by at least 10 years in terms of intelligence.

Anyway, if you are a particularly hungry, taco-loving PS3 owner who would like Taco Bell to help the kids so you can stuff your face then all you need to so is email

You could, of course, simply walk down to the nearest children’s home and present them with your unwanted PS3. The walk back home. You’ll feel so much better.


Joji 21 Nov 2006 23:49
You crazy yanks, god unbless you. Everyone with a PS3 might as well exchange it for and extra large coffin instead, cause that's what you'll need it you indulge in too much rubbish food.

Go to food hell, Taco Bell.
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