SPOnG has wondered aloud on the few occasions we’ve visited London’s Wii House why the Nintendo PR reps are so keen for all the journos present to make sure they have the Wii-mote’s natty little white strap around their slender wrists.
The broken TV you see pictured here is why!
Kotaku reports earlier today on a story of one unfortunate gamer who managed to destroy his TV screen over the weekend, soon after unwrapping his new console, in a no doubt over-excited session on Wii Sports.
So just remember, when your overly competitive mates are over playing Wii Sports Tennis or Boxing – or pretty much any Wii game for that matter – DO make sure that they have that little strap firmly fixed around their arms.
Otherwise you may end up in some rather heated arguments about who owes who a new TV. Or, even worse, who covers the medical bills for those unfortunate, drunken Wii-mote flying-into-eyes accidents…
Strap up, Wii in peace!