Great Ebay PS3 Tales #1

Auction action hots up as PS3 offers keep on coming. Today, SPOnG’s favourite is…

Posted by Staff
The amazing techni-colour PlayStation?
The amazing techni-colour PlayStation?
OK, so if you simply cannot wait until March 2007, you could proceed to a notable online auction site and immerse yourself in a game of ‘Spot The Deal’.

Today, the following leapt out at SPOnG, and we didn’t feel it decent to keep it to ourselves. Here’s the skinny, see if you notice any potential inconsistencies:

”Item location: Cxxx, Essex, United Kingdom”

OK, so far so interesting…

I have one Playstation 3 for sale. Just released in Japan today you will finally be able to get your hands on this amazing machine.”

Lovely, the seller has a single, 60GB, model – however, it is an amazing one; no problems so far.

”Please Note the Winning Bidder will be required to specify the colour they would like either: Black, Silver, White. (May Depend on the amount in stock)”

Crikey, the seller’s one PS3 is really amazing as it apparently changes colour on demand. Hold on a second, this PS3 is getting more amazing by the word – as it appears to be able to breed in captivity. Either that or we’re having a leg tugged.

” GOOD LUCK. Trust a genuine seller! Please note it will take about a week to reach UK.”

Thanks, mate. We do indeed trust a genuine seller… hold on again! This PS3 is so amazing that it has apparently managed to move the location of Essex to some other country. Lucky old Essex? Unlucky other country? Who can say?

Want to bid? Go here.

Got any amusing PS3 stories? We want to hear them in the forum.


SCiARA 14 Nov 2006 13:46
where's the link to the page so we can ask cough*abuse*cough the seller a load of questions?
SPInGSPOnG 14 Nov 2006 14:25
There are idiots on eBay bidding PS3s up to £840 and above, when there is one on Buy It Now for £725.

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madjo 14 Nov 2006 16:04
According to the update of the action, the ps3 is imported from Japan.
Coxy 16 Nov 2006 14:54
I saw a 60GB PS3 sell on ebay uk for £1,220 the day after launch.
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