Games As Important As Television - Official

Nielsen Media Research to launch GamePlay Metrics. Gives games same prominence as TV shows

Posted by Staff
Games As Important As Television - Official
In a move that raises the profile of videogames to the same standing as television shows, Nielsen Media Research, the company famous for its ‘audience share’ figures is launching a similar service for gamers.

This, of course, could be a double-edged sword with advertising dollars fuelling demand but decimating developer imagination.

Called GamePlay Metrics, the system will use the same 10,000 households it uses to provide figures to advertisers and show developers.

The service comes from Nielsen Wireless and Interactive Services and firmly places gaming in the same media stratosphere as the rapidly-tiring TV medium.

According to the company, “Nielsen's national television sample of more than 10,000 households currently collects information on video game use through existing People Meter technology. Nielsen GamePlay Metrics will use a patented approach to harvest this existing information from current and next-generation video game consoles within these sample households. The new service will passively record the titles of games while capturing key demographic detail about players. Moreover, because it is based on Nielsen's national TV ratings sample, Nielsen GamePlay Metrics also will provide advertisers with valuable data on what TV programs are consumed by active gamers.”

In short, the system – which launches in the US next year – puts proof to the longheld idea that videogames – and the people who play them – are to be taken seriously. This means that your opinion counts to the people in the suits sitting on Madison Avenue and Canary Wharf.

SPOnG has already been in touch with Nielsen to arrange an interview with the people who know. Head to the forums to tell us what you would like to see answers to.

However, it could also mean that developers may be lead further down the path of only producing new games and new genres that fit to existing patterns. Disastrously, we could find ourselves in the same situation as film buffs who, for many years now, have been forced to live on diet of acceptable, advertiser friendly ‘fare’.

This, of course, cannot be allowed to happen.


Joji 24 Oct 2006 12:06
While it would prove interesting stuff, we don't want games to turn out like tv, where if you deviate from the norm to try something new you get shot down 'because apparently its not what the customer wants'. There are exceptions to this rule (Lost, Prison Break, Heroes, BSG, Jericho) though.

Indeed films and u.s tv have this problem, even if a show is good enough if it doesn't meet target ratings its canceled. RIP Blade tv series.

Games require those that buy them to speak up more for what they want to see from games, via developer/publisher forums, keeping them in touch to meet their needs and such, but with tv I feel this doesn't happen as much. Its clear, in any industry, that lack of taking chances kills creativity and ideas.

I still think I prefer the powerful word of gamers mouths via the interweb on forums and blogs about games. Gamers are good at this communication, which helped Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! become such an import hit on DS, when publishers might have easily labeled it as too weird for western release. With that power we now have Elite Beat Agents on the way from Inis, so it shows that we do have a little power sometimes when listened to.

If this monitoring takes note of official and import games that you are playing without prejudice, then I'm all for it (with handhelds included). If just official games, I think its not going to be a full representaion of games and gamers. Nice idea though, get those suits worried. Lol.
hollywooda 24 Oct 2006 13:33
But what i cant work out is with all the interaction, excitment & innovation of the gaming world over all platforms & consoles & diffrent country's throught the world why cant anybody make a descent gaming tv program in the UK?!!, they're either really kiddy & condersending or just plain S**T!!!
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