SPOnG’s told you before about how luscious and alarmingly real EA’s PC-hope, Crysis, looks.
Well, just to ram the point home, check out these new comparison shots between the real-world locations (shot on a remote Hawaiian island) and their in-game counterparts. If you claim to be able to immediately tell the difference between the two, then you are a liar and a cad.
And if you need more convincing about why PC gaming is clearly going to be alive, well and thriving well into the future, then check out our earlier news and trailer on Crysis, from when the game was
first announced back in March of this year. We get bombarded with new game trailers every day, yet this Crysis one really stands out as one of the hair-up-on-back-of-neck better events of 2006.
It also has to be said that Electronic Arts does have some cracking PC titles lined up for next year - what with this, Will Wright's
Spore and the Hollywood-star-heavy
Command and Conquer 3, amongst many others.
For more on Crysis, you can see all the up-to-date screens, art and other assets over at
SPOnG’s dedicated Crysis page.