Assassin’s Creed – New Info and Screens

Medieval hitman for hire.

Posted by Staff
SPOnG’s good Gallic friends at Ubisoft just sent us this latest batch of screens from their forthcoming next-gen medieval hired gun adventure Assassin’s Creed, along with a bunch of new info on the game’s storyline.

If you’re not sure what the game is, then, to refresh your memory, read SPOnG’s first hands-on with Assassin’s Creed to see what we thought. (Hint: we liked it).

The game follows “a disgraced master Assassin (ALTAIR) who embarks on an epic quest to restore his status within the Assassin Order. After failing to assassinate the Templar Leader (ROBERT DE SABLE) and recover the legendary Templar Treasure, Altair is demoted to Uninitiated (the lowest rank in the Assassin order)."

The release continues: "SINAN, Leader of the Assassins, offers our hero an opportunity to redeem himself. Altair must venture out into the Holy Land and assassinate men said to be exacerbating and exploiting the hostilities created by the Third Crusade. In doing so, he will stabilize the region, allowing Sinan to usher in an age of peace."

See all the up-to-date information and assets at SPOnG’s dedicated Assassin’s Creed page.


Patmos 26 Sep 2006 19:17
"an age of peace"? that would put assassins out of a job me thinks. The moral of the story all problems be they personal or epically geopolitical can be solved by violence, sweet silent displacement mapped vengence.

Does the P.S. to this run down include: "also the assassins are from the future" at the end or is Ubisoft still being quiet about the weird digital distortions and future lab people saw at E3?
SCiARA 27 Sep 2006 13:12
Patmos wrote:
"also the assassins are from the future" at the end or is Ubisoft still being quiet about the weird digital distortions and future lab people saw at E3?

I must have missed that, what's it all about alfie?
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