It doesn't take the sharpest analyst in the business to notice that when industry behemoth EA gets its paws on a successful license, it uses its momentous might to make follow-up after follow-up.
Few will be surprised to hear that a fifth outing of trophy acquisition Burnout is planned, and is heading for PS3 and Xbox 360 next year. There's no doubt that recent instalments in the sweaty-handed racer have sold by the petrol drum. Speed, spectacle and an eyelid-peeling framerate have all helped shift units, though perhaps none of the new instalments have quite provided the fresh, twitch-inducing, perfection-demanding, breath-holding purity of the original.
Burnout 5 appears to be heading in the same direction as the Need for Speed franchise. Electronic Arts watchers won't be surprised to hear that
its website contains much talk of free-roaming environments and gaining 'respect' from street racing peers. Crash physics - always a staple of the series - promise to be even more metal-bendingly spectacular. Whether you'd view such advances as adding depth or merely providing padding depends on your opinion. And you know where you can stick the forum, of course!