Xbox 360 Cameras Pour Out of Retail One Month Early

Microsoft issues official golf clap

Posted by Staff
Xbox 360 Cameras Pour Out of Retail One Month Early
Microsoft's Xbox division in the US must be thrilled to see various big-name national retail chains breaking the street date of its Xbox Live Vision Camera in recent days, with Toys 'R' Us, the biggest offender, seemingly dishing out hundreds of units.

The EyeToy 'inspired' Xbox 360 camera, first destined for the original Xbox, then put on ice for a couple of years, is due to go on sale on September 19th, though early shipping resulted in many store managers putting large numbers of units on sale before Microsoft presumably played merry hell as it was confronted with a lot of Live-enabled machines requesting camera-access.

Of course, eBay has seen a flood of cameras, all of which have been selling at healthy prices. $125 shipped seems to be the going rate for a device costing $40 when bought in-store.

Microsoft has not commented on the early sale at time of press.


Joji 24 Aug 2006 19:28
Something else to get ripped off on? I hop not. Web cams should be cheap and this one should be no different.

£10-20 I say, or hope.
alexh2o 24 Aug 2006 19:58
well it says its $40 in the article so its pritty much a cert that it will be £19.99...
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