Offset On Track. Publisher Brings 360 and PC Fantasy FPS Closer

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Offset On Track. Publisher Brings 360 and PC Fantasy FPS Closer
We don't know who, when or how much, but the much talked-about fan development project, known as Project Offset, has gotten itself a publisher. Looks like the outfit launched by three men in the bedroom of an apartment building is about to emerge as a major player in the fierce FPS arena.

A posting on the studio's official site reads, "Finally all moved in! We are looking for talented programmers and artists to join our team. We are now backed by a major publisher but will not be disclosing the details just yet. Visit our jobs page for more information on available positions."

The company's jobs page, confirms the expected Xbox 360 version of the game:

Xbox 360 Programmer

Primary responsibility will be to handle porting, maintaining, and optimizing the codebase for the Xbox 360. Experience developing for the Xbox 360 is a huge plus. Experience programming for console platforms is required.

You can catch a video teaser of what you have to look forward too here, and wait around as expect to bring you an interview with the team in the coming weeks.


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