Official 360 HD-DVD Images Do Little for Doubters

Inescapable fact that it is an add-on prevails

Posted by Staff
Although some may have argued that the unofficial, unauthorised press shots we showed you last week were not the best way for Microsoft's HD-DVD Xbox 360 add-on to be unveiled to an already skeptical world, this bunch of new PR shots just unveiled have done little to defuse the increasing cynicism regarding the add-on amongst early adopters and consumer-tech watchers.

"You've experienced next-gen gaming on Xbox 360," enthuses Microsoft in a press release issued to mark the release of the HD-DVD pics. "Now experience next-gen DVD movies with HD DVD. The Xbox 360 HD DVD Player is the most affordable way to jump into the next generation of DVD technology, along with the flexibility to enter when you are ready. Just plug Xbox 360 HD DVD Player into Xbox 360 and enjoy the ultimate home theater experience with more clarity and detail than broadcast, cable or satellite HD. Feed your HDTV the high definition content it craves with HD DVD on Xbox 360!"

It would appear that as we pick over the images, Microsoft would have us focus on price and the fact that they are offering scalable HD building blocks to slot together at your leisure, which is a fair point, though at this moment, the raw brand power bolstering the PlayStation 3's Blu-ray looks likely to ensure it will be the technophile's HD console of choice. If they can afford it...

Which also brings us on to the fact that although Microsoft has been openly touting an attractive price-point for the add-on, no actual retail mark has been set. This has led many to speculate that a super-low price-point shocker is on the cards, with murmerings of a sub-$100 figure waiting in the wings to wow consumers who are more than likely currently weighing up the offerings of Sony and Nintendo, one for high-power bragging rights, one for gaming.

We'll let you know as soon as we learn more.


hollywooda 14 Aug 2006 09:00
I think it looks cool to me, And if it play's HD movies for around 100 quid then i might get one!,.... That's the great thing about being given the Choice!.
Jay 14 Aug 2006 09:33
It doesn't though, does it? It looks s**t - they've designed it as a mini 360 but the drive is on the bottom, so it looks like it's fallen over, if you know what I mean. The design jut doesn't work.
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hollywooda 14 Aug 2006 09:45
"I" said "I" think it looks cool, what appeals to me is the fact i dont have to pay an extra 200 quid for it if i dont want it!... you dont like it?, dont buy it!
BlackSpy 14 Aug 2006 10:14
If “I” don’t like it, “I’ll” say so, regardless of whether or not you like it or whether or not I intend buying it. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if it ended up costing £200 either.

The design is crummy: it’s not a standard AV format, nor does it nest nicely with the 360 itself.
fluffstardx 14 Aug 2006 10:44
They already said that 360 + HD-DVD = less than a PS3. So at most it's £130.

It's not as bad as some people seem to think. It looks like an add-on drive, and is still smaller than most DVD players. I'm really failing to see everyone's issues! Yes, for a drive only it's pretty big - but we have no other drive to compare it to, and it will need a controller board to work due to the 360 not having one.

Until HD takeup rates are higher, it's all moot anyway; why go HD for your movies with a HD telly? And rumours abound that PS3 doesn't actually play Blu-Ray films...
tyrion 14 Aug 2006 12:18
fluffstardx wrote:
And rumours abound that PS3 doesn't actually play Blu-Ray films...

Then you are reading and propagating the wrong rumours!

The current "it won't play Blu-ray movies" rumour is to do with the Blu-ray drive for PCs. This is all due to the HDCP requirement on Blu-ray (and HD-DVD) movies. There are no PC cards that decrypt HDCP yet and there is no software to do it either.

So it's not a case of "can't play movies" it's a case of "can't play them yet".

The PS3 will certainly, 100%, no questions asked, play Blu-ray movies.
thane_jaw 14 Aug 2006 13:01
Jay wrote:
It doesn't though, does it? It looks s**t - they've designed it as a mini 360 but the drive is on the bottom, so it looks like it's fallen over, if you know what I mean. The design jut doesn't work.

Completely agree it does look a little crappy. They should really have tried to make it look like a real mini 360, instead of the bastard offspring that it is.

Hmm... I can't wait for people to start comparing ps3 and 360 masses, especially with all the add ons - seems to me like a fun exercise in fan boy head and wall banging.

But if I find I'm hankering for some HD love then it will probably be my first HD-Media playing purchase, especially if its around £75 (I would consider going up to £100 but no more). I guess its a nice option but I can't see this being a huge success, unless the whole wii60 combo really takes off.

tyrion 14 Aug 2006 14:19
thane_jaw wrote:
Hmm... I can't wait for people to start comparing ps3 and 360 masses, especially with all the add ons - seems to me like a fun exercise in fan boy head and wall banging.

Well, just to start the ball rolling, from what I've seen of the mock-ups and actual consoles. The 360 is already larger than the PS3 if you include the 360's power brick.

It remains to be seen if the PS3's power brick remains internal of course.
YenRug 14 Aug 2006 15:14
tyrion wrote:
It remains to be seen if the PS3's power brick remains internal of course.

I thought there were already reports that it was external, because there simply wasn't enough space to fit everything in, at present?
RiseFromYourGrave 14 Aug 2006 15:31
yeah i heard the exact same thing, that the ps3 psu is already external - problems with size and heat forced the psu out of the ps3 chassis

as for the hd dvd player, hey if you like its price and functionality, buy it. but that is one ugly motherfucker.

i think the first place to start in the redesign would be the colour of the front plastic, its too dark
SPInGSPOnG 14 Aug 2006 16:39
fluffstardx wrote:
It's not as bad as some people seem to think.

But far, far worse than others do.

PreciousRoi 14 Aug 2006 23:39
evokes the image of a hardback book to me.
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