SPOnG caught up with Microsoft’s UK PR types earlier today who informed us that Gears of War will be launching on November 17 - the same day as the PlayStation 3 launch.
You are probably already aware of the launch date (or, to use MS parlance, ‘emergence day’) for Gears of War, as Epic has been banging on about it like it was the day that the world is guaranteed to explode for some time now.
To be fair, the game does justify much of the hype. It’s a no-brainer must-buy for anybody who likes shooting off massive guns in ravaged, future dystopian landscapes. Which, going by the online Gears of War circle jerk that has only intensified since E3, is a lot of people.
Epic’s hearthrob lead designer Cliff Bleszinski, known to his fans and his ladies as CliffyB, describes Gears of War as: "...a one-two punch of cinematic action paired with a thrilling and compelling interactive experience."
November, should you need reminding, is also the month when we are 100% definitely going to be buying our Wii’s (yep, still funny!).
SPOnG predicts widespread fanboy rioting on London's Oxford Street. Well, we predict that we will be standing in a queue somewhere in the middle of a cold, wet winter night, moaning about the weather and possibly having a minor disagreement with somebody who doesn’t like Nintendo as much as we do.