Gears of War Launches Same Day as PS3

Might we see fanboy riots on Oxford Street?

Posted by Staff
SPOnG caught up with Microsoft’s UK PR types earlier today who informed us that Gears of War will be launching on November 17 - the same day as the PlayStation 3 launch.

You are probably already aware of the launch date (or, to use MS parlance, ‘emergence day’) for Gears of War, as Epic has been banging on about it like it was the day that the world is guaranteed to explode for some time now.

To be fair, the game does justify much of the hype. It’s a no-brainer must-buy for anybody who likes shooting off massive guns in ravaged, future dystopian landscapes. Which, going by the online Gears of War circle jerk that has only intensified since E3, is a lot of people.

Epic’s hearthrob lead designer Cliff Bleszinski, known to his fans and his ladies as CliffyB, describes Gears of War as: "...a one-two punch of cinematic action paired with a thrilling and compelling interactive experience."

November, should you need reminding, is also the month when we are 100% definitely going to be buying our Wii’s (yep, still funny!).

SPOnG predicts widespread fanboy rioting on London's Oxford Street. Well, we predict that we will be standing in a queue somewhere in the middle of a cold, wet winter night, moaning about the weather and possibly having a minor disagreement with somebody who doesn’t like Nintendo as much as we do.


realvictory 5 Aug 2006 19:13
Millions of people, including me, are waiting until November to have a Wii!
Moschops 6 Aug 2006 09:22
yea I can't wait to be waving my Wii around
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Joji 7 Aug 2006 01:52
I feel I'll be on the Wii bandwagon too, playing a dose of Trauma Center and Red Steel.

If I have a 360 by then I'm sure GoW will be cool, especially online. My Wii is still my main focus though.

tyrion 7 Aug 2006 08:32
I think that this is a risky strategy for Microsoft.

I can't see Gears being any sort of spoiler for the PS3 launch, it's got a buzz yes, but it's not Halo 3.

It's not as if the people wanting to buy a PS3 on day one will buy a 360 and Gears if they can't get a PS3. Those likely to buy a PS3 want a PS3, not a 360, or maybe they already have a 360.

Microsoft won't be able to dent the day one sales figures for PS3 and they risk Gears being buried in the inevitable media circus that the PS3 launch will instigate.

There's a reason that Serenity didn't launch against Revenge of the Sith. You don't put an unproven title up against an 800 pound gorilla. If you don't get crushed you'll be ignored.
hollywooda 7 Aug 2006 11:05
yer but once people realise "yer i've got my PS3!..
ok let play singstar.. bored...ummm F1 game? ...that's crap...well i'd watch a blue ray film but i couldn't afford anything else... ohh well, yer but that Gears of war game looked really awesome"... then it hits home, for the same price as your PS3 you could have got a 360 a gold online account Gears of war (and a couple of other games) & be online playing one of this years best games.....DOH!

P.s. dont let this be you.
tyrion 7 Aug 2006 13:21
hollywooda wrote:
P.s. dont let this be you.

Don't worry, it won't be me!

But then I'll probably buy one or all of Warhawk, Heavenly Sword and Motorstorm as long as they are out. As long as I manage to get hold of a PS3 of course.

The thing is, the hype will carry the PS3 launch and nothing MS can do will dent it. Software doesn't damage the sales of new hardware. And at launch, the PS3 will sell out.
hollywooda 7 Aug 2006 13:37
If you can afford it.... knock yourself out....
username 7 Aug 2006 22:01
in the US, Gears of War is launching on November 12, five days before the PS3 launch.
RiseFromYourGrave 7 Aug 2006 23:39
i agree with tyrion, MS may find theyve kicked themselves in the teeth here.

people who are going to buy a ps3, and theres a lot of them, are going to buy one regardless. GoW is not going to change that, if they already own an xbox 360 or not.

they could find that the release impact of GoW is dulled maybe significantly by the release of the ps3, rather than the other way round.
thane_jaw 8 Aug 2006 07:35

But if they're already going to buy a ps3, regardless, then there's no point in trying to sell to them. Their entertainment budget won't sustain purchases accross multiple platforms. I think that the opposite is also true, GoW has such a buzz that most people who own a 360 have heard of it and a fair few of those desire it. It may not be the best release date, but its before the ps3 launch so it won't get buried beneath the media coverage of those "wacky" gamer geeks camping out over night (I have how enthusiasts are always sniggered at by the mainstream media).

I think GoW is perfectly positioned to sell steadily throughout the holidays regardless of release date and may be enough to waver some of those who will be unable to get a PS3 into consider getting a 360, which is the best MS can hope for.
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