Game Addiction Clinic Opens

"I’m Like an Alcoholic, but with Games"

Posted by Staff
SHOCK TACTICS: image from the Smith & Jones website
SHOCK TACTICS: image from the Smith & Jones website
SPOnG reported back in early June on the planned opening of a specialised videogame addiction clinic in the Netherlands.

And whilst we kind of secretly hoped the whole thing was an elaborate hoax, it would appear that it wasn’t, as the Smith and Jones Addiction Consultancy has actually opened the doors to anyone suffering from a vile, depraved addiction to videogames.

To give you a taster of what we are looking at here, this is taken from their newly updated ‘gaming’ area of the clinic/consultancy’s website, which describes their new ‘WILD HORSES CENTER’;

“Xbox, Counter Strike, Quake and EverQuest are names that many of us have never heard. For many young people these names have become an obsession... Computer and video games can be fun and innocent. Most people can play computer games without trouble. However, 20% of all gamers can develop a dependency on gaming.”

Twenty percent! That’s one in five! That means that at least two of SPOnG’s very own staffers must be addicts! Crikey, it’s a good job that someone had the idea of setting up a dedicated clinic to help such poor souls. We wonder how much they charge? (Find out then! – Ed).

The hyperbole on the clinic/consultancy’s website continues: “Many of these individuals have neglected family, romance, school, and jobs; not to mention their basic needs such as food and personal hygiene... all for a video or computer game.”

The so-called ‘consultancy’ runs a number of addiction-problem centres across Europe, mainly focused on more traditional addictions – you know, the ones that are actually addictions – drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, gambling and so on.

Their ‘GAME ZONE’ program is an eight-week long intensive course which “treats compulsive gaming with many of the same tools that we use for other obsessive/compulsive behaviors, implementing the 12 Step Program as our treatment model.”

So essentially it’s like Alcoholics Anonymous, but for Gamers. Errr, ok.

“When an alcoholic in denial is brought to the WILD HORSES CENTER for an intervention, our staff is trained to ask the individual certain questions in order to look for evidence of disease symptoms. They also help them identify negative consequences of the drinking behavior. We look for signs like attempts to control, loss of control, health complications, damage to personal relationships, the progression of the illness, etc.”

“In addition to obsessive thoughts and neglect of important life matters, gamers are often addicted to stimulants such Red Bull, coffee, cigarettes, soft drugs, speed, and eventually even cocaine... We want to give these people a taste of life. Real life!”

Are you or any of your friends compulsively addicted to gaming at the expense of your jobs, your relationships, your health and well-being?

Apparently, the only cure, according to Smith and Jones, is complete abstinence – just as is the case with drug addicts and alcoholics (at least, if you are working to the classic 12-step programme).

Do you feel there is a place for this type of clinic to treat videogame addicts? Or do you feel that lumping in videogames with drugs, booze and eating disorders is perhaps missing the point somewhere along the line?

Let us know your thoughts in the forum.


NiktheGreek 19 Jul 2006 10:12
"In addition to obsessive thoughts and neglect of important life matters, gamers are often addicted to stimulants such Red Bull, coffee, cigarettes, soft drugs, speed, and eventually even cocaine... We want to give these people a taste of life. Real life!"

You mean Mario was lying about that white powder being sherbet? Great, now I feel totally used. :(
Dreadknux 19 Jul 2006 10:15
I'm not sure what to think here. Video games can be very much a bona fide addiction - I don't believe something has to be something damaging to your health or your pocket in order to be taken seriously.

I can see the argument that, you know, games are an entertainment form like films and music (and certainly you don't see clinics for films and music... unless I'm missing a trick here), but games are different in that they're engaging. It's very easy to get addicted to something that engages the brain and is entertaining and challenges you to keep playing to complete the level, get the high score, whatever.

Having said that, kids being locked in their room playing video games can hardly be seen as something detrimental or on the way to addiction. Kids lock themselves in their rooms all the time! Anything to get away from the parents. :P I still don't see why people are seeing video games as some sort of trigger for anti-social behaviour. Especially considering a kid can be locked in a room playing FIFA the same way a kid can be locked in a room playing a guitar.

So yeah, dunno what to think.

EDIT: After reading this:
"gamers are often addicted to stimulants such Red Bull, coffee, cigarettes, soft drugs, speed, and eventually even cocaine..."

I do know what to think. You know, I thought this 'clinic' was taking the possibility of a gaming addiction seriously. This sounds like even more evangelical "games r teh eval" bullcrap.

*kicks bag of cocaine under couch*
more comments below our sponsor's message
zoydwheeler 19 Jul 2006 10:17
everything in moderation, surely?

(apart from Zelda)
NiktheGreek 19 Jul 2006 11:49
Svend Joscelyne wrote:

EDIT: After reading this:
"gamers are often addicted to stimulants such Red Bull, coffee, cigarettes, soft drugs, speed, and eventually even cocaine..."

I do know what to think. You know, I thought this 'clinic' was taking the possibility of a gaming addiction seriously. This sounds like even more evangelical "games r teh eval" bullcrap.

*kicks bag of cocaine under couch*

Exactly. More's the point, who has the money to keep up a cocaine addiction and a gaming addiction? Especially if they're so addicted that they neglect responsibilities such as work...

Don't get me wrong, I've seen people addicted to games (and the three-figure Phantasy Star Online phone bills that went with that addiction), but I've seriously never seen chemical addictions that are actually related to or caused by gaming. Apart from one incident when a particularly stressful game of Red Alert 2 ended a friend's attempt at giving up smoking, but that's a story for another time.

To me, it seems like they're blowing the problem out of proportion, both in terms of scale (20%? I doubt it) and symptoms. Probably to gain publicity, or something.
RiseFromYourGrave 19 Jul 2006 13:07
scare tactics isnt it, scare the avid gamers into thinking theyre on a long winding road to crackdom and that they need help that they dont.

it also implies that (if) theyre taking these substances to play longer and harder.

if i was on drugs i wouldnt be playing videogames
YenRug 19 Jul 2006 13:18
20% of all gamers can develop a dependency on gaming.

They're basically saying that 20% of people have addictive personalities, which is probably the norm in the general public as a whole; they're trying to make it sound like 20% are addicted, when in reality it's just that 20% are at risk from it.
Earl 19 Jul 2006 14:06
As a self confessed gaming addict (hopefully not as bad asi used to be), i have done the 16 hours a day on WoW 7 days a week.

Game addiction is a reality, especially in the MMORPG side of gaming. When you get to know peoples routines from when the log on, know if there sick and off work becuse there online,(probably because today was patch day) hear about the row that they had with the wife becuase they spend to much time playing games. they cancel a date becasue the guild is going to MC tonight and they need that last epic to finish there suit, they are late into work becasue they were PvPing till 5 am to get better Rank. Leave there job and sign on so they can play more.

Best i ever remember was when a wife ran off with a player she met online and it spilt up the monachy the couple lead, when the players followed one or the other. Server wide Jerry Springer !!!

It goes on and one.

Yes Game addiction is real and seroius. maybe not to the average joe who has a quick game of "Insert Game Name here" once or twice a week.... but for the people who get hooked it can destroy there lives.
RiseFromYourGrave 19 Jul 2006 14:10
yeah the mmorpg set do take it quite seriously indeed, dont they! i remember the furore about that online funeral being gatecrashed and everyone massacred. personally i thought it was funny and ridiculous.
SPInGSPOnG 19 Jul 2006 20:50
Earl wrote:
but for the people who get hooked it can destroy there lives.

But these people DESERVE to have thier ives destroyed. Any addict, be it alcohol, drugs, gambling, gaming or sex (no, sorry, except sex) is a weak individual, and only by destroying their lives, and making themselves too smelly and poor to reporoduce can they properyl service the gene pool.

Yeah, drugs are fun, gaming is fun, getting pissed is fun, sex is fun (no, sex is serious, very very serious)... but FFS learn when to say no you f**king losers.

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