Resident Evil Exclusive to Wii. Announcement Expected Within Weeks

Survival horror Gun Survivor update?

Posted by Staff
Capcom's roll of quality continues apace, with a Wii-exclusive game in the Resident Evil series scheduled to be unveiled inside the coming weeks. The news will be welcomed with open arms, hearts and wallets by Nintendo fans, eager to regain the stranglehold they could once boast on what is arguably Capcom's most impressive franchise.

There's no word on what we can expect at time of going to press, though speculation sits evenly between a classic update, likely to be in in the style of the GameCube (and latterly, PlayStation 2) masterpiece Resident Evil 4, or a Gun Survivor update, which of course would take advantage of the Wii's unique controller.

The announcement is seemingly scheduled to hit the European press before the new game is detailed anywhere else, though a combination of the Internet and Famitsu will likely scoop any official plans anyone in the EU might be hatching.

As soon as we find out more, you'll be the first to know.


OptimusP 12 Jul 2006 09:56
The full story is actually that Capcom is making a new RE for the Wii based on a enhanced RE4-engine, same control-scheme but with Wii-funtions (aiming with the Wii-mote finally!).
Next to that Capcom is making a complete new survival-horror game exclusive for the Wii really being built up around the controller.
majin dboy 12 Jul 2006 11:23
this news makes me very happy.thanks capcom.
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DoctorDee 12 Jul 2006 11:35
When, exactly, could Nintendo fans claim a "stranglehold" (bad metaphor, since it means a hold that cripples and can kill the subject) on the Resident Evil franchise?
majin dboy 12 Jul 2006 13:56
when the most recent and best resi title to date was a gamecube "exclusive".and although you cant predict the future from the resi/GC mix,u can c were the author is cumin from.
ryohazuki-san 12 Jul 2006 14:46
Ive had the biggest grin on my face after reading this!
Bring it on CAPCOM!
SorelissLarethian 13 Jul 2006 11:12
Was about time they announced something like this. RE is ideal for Wii. Even Sony afraid they might lose games like that, that would jump on the wii wagon, tried to replicate the new control scheme.
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