Here's another picture that isn't Grand Theft Auto 4. Well, we don't think it is. It was emailed to us by someone who found it on a forum, and we usually get pictures of Grand Theft Auto games from Rockstar. "ZOMG! I fund this and its defanitly REAL, it was leaked off R*" is slightly less convincing than the chatty yet polite wordage our colleagues in PR use when sending us assets from their new title.
So what is it? Well, it looks like a Photoshop job someone put together. Again. This happens all the time, especially with Grand Theft Auto games.
You can see the last one we got here.The thing we'd like to know is: do the people who spend days putting together mock-ups of games and hardware actually want people to believe their work is the real thing, or are they simply trying to see how many pages of coverage of a fake they can generate? We know you're out there, so please, get in touch. We may even do a story on it and feature your work.
UPDATE: The original artwork which some Internet trickster has been passing off as GTAIV can be seen at