Funniest Games Video Show on Earth

Consolevania 2.6 - TEAM! – new show just out

Posted by Staff
A partially naked Rab
A partially naked Rab
It always makes SPOnG’s day when we hear that a new Consolevania is out. It is, without question, the best video show about games to date.

Some die-hards will bleat on about how good Gamesmaster was, back in the day. Well, we take their point, Dominic Diamond did have his moments, but come on guys!

Watch Consolevania and then try to tell us why you think Gamesmaster was better. Other than the fact that the production values on Consolevania do leave a lot to be desired (this is a self-funded, Internet-distributed show after all) Rab and his bunch of Glaswegian jakies are simply funnier and know more about videogames than Mr Diamond ever did.

A freely distributed, non-profit show that has been running for two years, Consolevania ticks all the boxes that SPOnG has for the make-up of a good show about videogames; it’s funny, irreverent and nonsensical at times, but it’s also well informed and clearly put together by a dedicated team of people who have grown up with and who love videogames. The same team, in fact, that produces "videoGaiden," the BBC's videogames review show - back for a second series later in 2006.

Download it from Be warned, it’s rude and sweary so don’t watch it at work or with your mum.


donkeytonk 15 Jun 2006 13:30
Good work for showing this s**t SPoNG. What is it about the scottish and making games seem fun? Funny i'll look forward to the next. Hopefulyl these boys might get some more tv work soon. Someones gotta pick this stuff up.
thane_jaw 15 Jun 2006 13:55
Why are the best TV video game presenters Scottish?

Must be something in the water.

Anyway wtf is up with the ask kenny section? I felt so wrong laughing and I can't show anyone else how brilliant this is because they'll think I'm sick.
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soanso 15 Jun 2006 22:47
I'm pretty impressed by the your use of the word "jakey" spong!!
Joji 18 Jun 2006 08:38
Respect to them, they love their games and you want people who know what they are talking about. To do it non-profit is commendable too. Too much money and not enough ratings is usually what kill this type of show and gets it on tv when you are asleep. We certainly don't want that.

I'll check it out.
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