European Game Addiction Clinic Opens in July

In the Netherlands. No joke.

Posted by Staff
European Game Addiction Clinic Opens in July
A strange tale to finish off the week. An 'addiction consultants' called Smith & Jones, is opening a treatment centre to deal with people who are addicted to gaming. In Amsterdam of all places - that bastion of European liberalism and strong marijuana.

The clinic opens its doors in July, if anyone feels that they need to check themselves into gaming rehab.

Director Keith Bakker said the number of teenagers that can no longer stop playing videogames is growing alarmingly. "It is a danger for society. An underestimated danger."

For the last six months the company has treated 'addicted' gamers on an out-patient basis, but Bakker outlined that the new programme will involve patients being admitted to the Amsterdam clinic.

"These people really need to be residents. They must sleep here, otherwise they will be back at home sitting in front of the gaming computer," Bakker said.

Most of the patients they treat for gaming addiction are young. "The youngest we have here is 13 and the eldest is 30," Bakker said.

Bakker thinks that gaming addicts exhibit the same symptoms as serious gambling addicts, complete with physical 'detox' manifestations such as sweating and shaking.

Whilst this sounds like some kind of spoof Day Today sketch, SPOnG intends to find out more about Smith and Jones. If anybody reading is addicted to videogames, please tell us your case history in the forums below and we'll do all we can to help.


NiktheGreek 2 Jun 2006 22:11
Hmm, let's see. Extortionate costs for a clinic to cure me of an addiction I welcome, or spending that on upholding the addiction? I recently ordered a PSP giga pack, 6 PSP games, 4 DS games, 2 Xbox games, 2 GC games and a PS2 game. And a wireless internet adaptor. My choice is reasonably clear.
Zoyd Wheeler 3 Jun 2006 11:06
You are beyond help. the DS Lite and New Super Mario Bros comes out in a matter of weeks. you'll probably WASTE all your money on that as well!

I'd call that clinic ASAP if I were you.
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NiktheGreek 3 Jun 2006 22:30
Zoyd Wheeler wrote:
You are beyond help. the DS Lite and New Super Mario Bros comes out in a matter of weeks. you'll probably WASTE all your money on that as well!

I'd call that clinic ASAP if I were you.

You say that as if my DS isn't on the desk with me, and New Super Mario Bros isn't already pre-ordered. =P
Earl 4 Jun 2006 10:54
Interesting to see this been taken serioulsy, Game addiction is far more serious than some people realise, especial MMORPG addiction.

I would like to see Warnings stating the addictive nature of MMORPG's and also warning about the lenght of time needed to complete things, informing people that a quick run in Molten Core is gonne be an easy 3- 6 hours. oh and one unhappy spouse ;)
config 4 Jun 2006 11:06
Any warning is probably going to draw more attention, sales and addicts than not. Same way that a BBFC18 rating draws in the kids, because it's cool to play adult games, just like its (apparently) cool to smoke and drink when you're a teenager.
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