CMP Information announces seminar strand for ECTS

ECTS visitors get access to GDCE-sponsored sessions in new seminar theatre on show floor.

Posted by Staff
CMP Information (CMPi) has announced the creation of a seminar theatre for the ECTS show floor that will enable ECTS visitors to have access to a series of sponsored sessions from the GDCE conference.

With companies like Nokia, ATI, Scansoft and Avid Softimage taking part, the sessions are expected to be highly popular and access will be on a first come, first served, basis.

"We're thrilled at the response this initiative has had from exhibitors," commented Andy Lane, Portfolio Director at CMPi. "Although primarily directed towards our development visitors to ECTS, these sessions will be open anybody at ECTS that has an interest in these topics. The seminar theatre enables elements of the GDCE programme to be sampled by non-delegates. It's a great way for our sponsors to widen their message but also a smart way of getting more people to get a feel for what GDCE is all about

The seminar theatre will also be hosting a number of retailer-related presentations, details of which are due to be released in the next few days.

"The seminar theatre is another example of our determination to give visitors to ECTS a well rounded experience, combining business opportunities with the possibility of exchanging and sharing knowledge with other visitors and exhibitors. The diversity of ECTS allows us to do this with ease," added Andy Lane.

The current ECTS exhibitor list is: 1C Company, Aardvark Swift Consulting, AMA Fabrications, AMD, ATI Technologies, Avid Softimage, Binary Star, Catalyst Pictures, CD Wholesale, Charles River Media, Compedia, Cyberium Multi Media, Datascope, Develop, DIOSOFT, Discreet, dreamGEAR, EDP Europe, Exit Games, Focal Press, Freehand, FUCD, Future Publishing, Gama Network, Game Developer Magazine, Game Face, Game Infinity,, HLW Softwareentwicklung, IDA - Irish Development Agency, Indie Magazine, ITR News, JDLI, Karma, Lifemode Interactive, Lipsner Smith, Manual, MCV, Meqon Research, Microsoft Corporation, Morgan Kaufmann,, NASCR, Nintendo, Nokia, OPM Response, PC Retail, Perfect Play, Perforce Software, PNL Global, Prism Leisure, Relic Entertainment, RTI UK, Samsung UK, Scansoft, Selectsoft Publishing, Sheffield Hallam University, Total Disc Repair, VTech Electronics Europe, World Cyber Games, Xbox.

ECTS visitor registration currently stands at 7,093, way ahead of any other event and ahead of the year-on-year figure.

ECTS takes place at Earls Court from Wednesday 1st September until Friday 3rd September 2004. Online registration is available at