Title | Released | Genre | Platforms |
Super Chinese World
-1995 | Adventure: Role Playing |
Digimon World
-2002 | Strategy: God game Adventure: Role Playing |
PlayStation |
Pac-Man World 2
-2006 | Adventure Platform |
PC CD PS2 CD Xbox CD GameCube GBA |
The World Is Not Enough
Also known as T.W.I.N.E., TWINE, World Is Not Enough, The |
-2001 | Adventure: Graphic |
PC CD PS2 CD PlayStation Game Boy Color N64 Cartridge |
Another World
Also known as Heart of the Alien, Out of This World |
-1993 | Adventure Puzzle |
Sega Megadrive SNES Amiga 3.5" floppy disk 3DO |
Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds
-1993 | Adventure: Role Playing |
Evolution Worlds
Adventure: Role Playing |
GameCube |
Stargate Worlds
Adventure: Role Playing |
PC Download |
Worm in Paradise, The
Adventure: Text and Graphic |
Amstrad CPC |
Batman Caped Crusader 2: A fete worse than death
-1988 | Adventure: Graphic Puzzle |
Spectrum 48K |
T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger
Also known as T'ai-Fu, Tai Fu, Tai-Fu |
-1999 | Adventure Beat 'Em Up |
PlayStation |
Wrath of Olympus
Adventure: Text and Graphic |
Amstrad CPC |
Adventure |
Amstrad CPC |
Sabre Wulf
-1984 | Adventure Puzzle: Maze |
C64 Cassette Spectrum 48K BBC/Electron Cassette Amstrad CPC |
Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm
Adventure: Graphic |
Dreamcast |