Browse Games


142 titles found in the genre 'Adventure: Text and Graphic', on Amstrad CPC or Amstrad CPC
Title Released Genre Platforms
Sram 2

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Gems of Stradus

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Peur Sur Amityville

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Swords and Sorcery

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Scary Tales

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Passager Du Temps, Le

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Talisman of Power, The

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Balrog, The

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
The Big Sleaze

-1987 Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Sydney Affair, The

Also known as Affaire Sydney, L'

-1987 Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Beer Hunter, The

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Bored of the Rings

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Book of the Dead

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Apache Gold, The Legend of

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC
Bastow Manor, The Secret Of

Adventure: Text and Graphic
Amstrad CPC