Lord of the Rings: Guardians of Middle Earth

> Editorial Comments > SPOnG Comments Index

Topic started: Sat, 8 Dec 2012 09:44
Click here to view the editorial this topic refers to.
Sat, 8 Dec 2012 09:44
It's not LOTR, it's actually Hobbit. Legolas isn't Legolas.
Sun, 9 Dec 2012 22:42
the game is 10/10 it is perfect.. exactly like LoL (leage of legends) in almost every way, gameplay is extremely well balanced. This is a biased review at best, dont review games you know nothing about and dont base the score off it not following the fricken movies. Its a moba, and one of the best ive played. This review has the smallest amount of information ive ever seen in a review and isn't well written. I can't believe this guy actually writes reviews...

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