Microsoft Investing $700m in Xbox Live Server Farm

Will go some way to meet expected demand.

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Microsoft Investing $700m in Xbox Live Server Farm
Microsoft believes in its cloud-powered future with Xbox One. So much so, that it has made a rather substantial investment in securing a server farm in Des Moines, pumping $700 million into a data centre big enough to hold all those Forza Drivatars.

The company has already invested heavily in the state of Iowa, but this new venture will bring to total investment in the region to around $1 billion. It's all to keep up with expectations regarding Xbox Live's growth and user demand.

According to Christian Belady, the general manager of Microsoft's data centre services, the expansion "supports the growing demand for Microsoft's cloud services," largely focusing on Xbox Live. Microsoft has promised to support the service with 300,000 dedicated servers.

Source: Des Moines Register


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