Reviews// Mario Kart 8

Posted 15 May 2014 10:21 by
Games: Mario Kart 8
The four retro cups, as you'll be well aware, originally had no anti-grav sections, so many of them have been subtly remixed to incorporate this new game element. Some have been left well alone, sure, but those that have been altered still retain their original charm. The first time I saw sections of the GBA Mario Circuit elevate up into the air I was a little worried, but once I got into the race… man, it all just worked.

All the classic items are still in there (yes, even the bastard Blue Shell) but there are a couple of new additions. The Boomerang is a curious one, great for chucking at bunched up groups, but the one that everyone will want is the 8 - eight different items appear around you, all of which can be triggered when they're in front of you. Possibly a little overpowered, but you'll be damn grateful when it appears in your item box.

Another new introduction is Mario Kart TV, where you get to upload your best races online, cutting your favourite highlight reels and earning well deserved plaudits. As the game's not out yet this is a little sparse at the moment, but I can see this becoming a very popular area indeed. Online racing is also in there and feels very similar to the Wii release. The super solid net code means that there's no breakdowns and no problems during races - just what you'd expect from a game that pushes the online aspect.

Mario Kart 8 is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful games around on any system. While some people may dismiss it as a cartoony game, something that only kids will like... well, they're missing out on something that not only looks incredible, it also proves to be one of the finest titles from this generation.

Four players in the same room battling against each other, shells hurtling around the tracks and curses flying through the air - it's something that goes back to that original SNES release, and I'm so glad that it's still happening now with this latest version of the game.

A special mention must be made for the fantastic music as well - each track has its own individual theme, and it's particularly lovely when what you're doing on the course has an effect on what's playing. Melody Motorway is a great example, adding extra layers of piano to the music as you drive over the keys. Again, Rainbow Road has to be brought up - that theme is just wonderful, and this new version is utterly lovely. Hell, the whole thing is gorgeous.

It's pretty difficult to write up a review of any Mario Kart game, especially when you love the series so much. Each game has been of such high quality, even those thought of as apparently duff, that it's tricky to keep piling on the plaudits. However, Mario Kart 8 is pretty bloody great. It's swiftly become one of my favourite versions, up there with the Arcade release and the DS one.

I guarantee that anyone who plays this will walk away with a grin on their face. Doesn't matter if you've been battling against each other, racing in a Grand Prix... it's amazing. If you've got a Wii U, this is essential and anything that can bring back those glorious memories of time spent on the SNES must be played.

+ Looks beautiful, sounds gorgeous, plays brilliantly.
+ Excellent range of courses and play options.
+ It's Mario Kart. MARIO KART.

- It's not out until the end of May.
- Ummm…
- That's it.

SPOnG Score: 5/5
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Games: Mario Kart 8

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John 5 Jun 2014 22:11
I enjoyed reading your review Michael, keep it up dude
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