Wii Absolutely Crushes All-Comers in July Japan

Like Godzilla to Sony and Microsoft's tiny little lizardy creatures

Posted by Staff
Wii Absolutely Crushes All-Comers in July Japan
Japanese publisher, Enterbrain, has released its July figures for hardware sales in Japan. Sit down, you could be in for a shock.

No, you're not. Nintendo utterly destroyed Sony and Microsoft on its home turf with the following figures displaying its dominance:

Wii = 171,851.
PlayStation 3 = 54,823.
Xbox 360 = 14,439.

In the handheld market, however, the close run race saw Sony breaking the tape ahead of the DS with the following numbers:

PSP = 256,765.
DS = 217,639.


Showing the 20 most recent comments. Read all 24.
TimSpong 4 Aug 2008 08:55
DoctorDee wrote:
I was talking about the PSP/DS race, which you described thusly: "the close run race saw Sony breaking the tape ahead of the DS with the following numbers PSP = 256,765. DS = 217,639."

First up, apologies for reading too fast and understanding too little - and the sarcasm. No need for that.

Yes, PSP did outsell DS by 15%.

To make my point, I should have said "In comparison to the console sales competition, the handheld race was a more close run thing..."

Point taken. Moving on now...



schnide 4 Aug 2008 09:29
DoctorDee wrote:

Please note that it has been illegal since 2003 to use the above word in everyday conversation, since it brings discussions past accepted levels of pretentiousness.

This law was introduced in response to 'The Architect' scene in Matrix Revolutions.
more comments below our sponsor's message
DoctorDee 4 Aug 2008 10:46
Tim Smith wrote:
I should have said "In comparison to the console sales competition, the handheld race was a more close run thing..

Now that I'll happily concede!
TimSpong 4 Aug 2008 10:51
mrAnthony wrote:
you could cut the sexual tension with a knife... though i woudn't attempt to literally do that.[/quote[

I want to see you attempt to literally cut sexual tension with a knife.

Go on... go on, go on, go on.

Go on.

Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on.

Go On.
mrAnthony 4 Aug 2008 15:01
hey! since when has it been ok to misquote people, i dont see the popular press doing so.

first ss4 now me!?

ergo, visa ve!
TimSpong 5 Aug 2008 08:32
mrAnthony wrote:
hey! since when has it been ok to misquote people, i dont see the popular press doing so.

first ss4 now me!?

ergo, visa ve!

Dear SPOnGers

Right now, I'm sitting here with my skin covered in small red blotches and my eyes being attacked by pixies (probably 10xMegaPixies) with tiny buckets of battery acid which they use to dip their sandpaper-covered pickaxes in - oh, they then laugh merrily has they drop quartz grit under eyelids every half an hour.

While this is happening all my joints are being filled with rusty ballbearings and my throat filled with slices of sheet steel. Yes, it's the summer.

For those in the know - I have not even been close to any red wine. In fact, I have not had a drink of life-giving booze since Friday night.

The antihistamines are as useful as cloaks of dried lemon grass in a fire.

This puts me in a bad mood for no good reason.


schnide 5 Aug 2008 10:02
mrAnthony wrote:
i dont see the popular press doing so.

You know for a second, I thought you were trying to insinuate that SPOnG isn't part of the above.
mrAnthony 5 Aug 2008 10:34
oh yeah, its:

the sun
the news of the world
TimSpong 5 Aug 2008 10:38
mrAnthony wrote:
hey! since when has it been ok to misquote people, i dont see the popular press doing so.

first ss4 now me!?

ergo, visa ve!

Did you not say, "though i woudn't attempt to literally do that"? You did.

All I said was that I wanted to see you attempt it. I can't see me misquoting you there. In fact, I wouldn't dream of it. And, no matter what my mood, I would never put you in the same frame as SS4.



mrAnthony 5 Aug 2008 10:44

are you ok? you seem a little defensive.. you have to realise, i am very hard to offend. i was only joking. and you kinda semi quoted ms doyle, so thats ok.

and you did misquote me, for comic effect, i was just going along with it. is all..

not everybody on here is a demented social retard. (are we allowed to say that?)

im looking at you (insert name here)
TimSpong 5 Aug 2008 10:48
mrAnthony wrote:
ha! are you ok? you seem a little defensive.. you have to realise, i am very hard to offend. i was only joking. and you kinda semi quoted ms doyle, so thats ok.

To be frank, I'm in pain and whinging about it to all and sundry as my Pom stereotype demands. I'm never happy about it even being hinted that I misquote. And as for classing us in the same mouldiness (sic) as any of Murdoch's rags... well... just... well... that makes me angry as a bee in a China Shop who can't find a way out due to the windows and doors all being sealed up to stop the bargain-hunting bulls getting in.



mrAnthony 5 Aug 2008 10:55
you realise i was being sarcastic right?

(being born and living my whole life in england brings out the sarcasm in ya)
mrAnthony 5 Aug 2008 10:57
just to clear things up. this is what you wrote:

"mrAnthony wrote:
you could cut the sexual tension with a knife... though i woudn't attempt to literally do that.[/quote[

I want to see you attempt to literally cut sexual tension with a knife.

Go on... go on, go on, go on.

Go on.

Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on.

Go On.
Editorial Director - SPOnG.com - yes, blame me."

but the way it is formatted, is that all that YOU said, was made to look like I had said it. so therefore i was saying that you misquoted me.

that is all, i was just playing about with a fact that a mistake was made. is all...
TimSpong 5 Aug 2008 10:59
mrAnthony wrote:
you realise i was being sarcastic right?


Yeah... I realise it. Hence the "bee in a China shop" response... which, thinking about it should probably have been, "bee in a china shop" what with it being the shop that sells stuff made out of china rather than a shop selling the country.

I'm dying here by the way.

mrAnthony 5 Aug 2008 11:05
so the chinese take away dont actually sell bits of china?

i feel ripped off.

or perhaps bits of chyna? though nobody wants that.

and yes i realise you're "dying".. (pats you on the head) it'll be ok, whos my brave boy. who's my brave boy.
Was p 6 Aug 2008 20:54
Tim Smith wrote:


I'm dying here by the way.


If it’s hay fever you’ve got, then pills alone don’t hack it for me either. So this year I’ve used pills, local honey, eye drops, nasal spray, “Hay Max” nasal balm and stayed away from the outdoors (unless at the beach), plus pollen filters in the car. At its worst I used an air flow helmet at work, a small island of filtered air bliss, though you really don’t want to sneeze when you’re wearing it, or be seen wearing without an excuse, (it’s not a good look).
With sympathy for your small hell, Wasp.
PS airflow helmets start at £255.

TimSpong 7 Aug 2008 08:15
Was p wrote:
PS airflow helmets start at £255.

It's a little more than hay fever. My Aussie doctors told me to take the antihistamines and bloody well get over myself.

Jebus Cripes! £255 - what the hell is an airflow helmet?

Cheers for the sympathy and advice,

schnide 7 Aug 2008 09:27
A PS airflow helmet?

Will that simulate the wind through my hair and blow my cheeks out when I'm playing Warhawk?!

I'll get my coat.
Was p 7 Aug 2008 19:06
Tim Smith wrote:

It's a little more than hay fever.

You should give bad hay fever a shot sometime. It has all the same things you've got, apart form the sore throat, and lasts for three months.

Tim Smith wrote:
Was p wrote:
PS airflow helmets start at £255.

Jebus Cripes! £255 - what the hell is an airflow helmet?

You'll see them and helmets like them on TV; either on people trying to look like forensic investigators, or as space helmets on sci-fi. Few things kill the illusion of distant worlds, in the far future, than seeing stuff, you use for the mundane, being used to do the incredible.
Was p 7 Aug 2008 19:38
schnide wrote:
A PS airflow helmet?

Will that simulate the wind through my hair and blow my cheeks out when I'm playing Warhawk?!

I'll get my coat.

The new ones might do that a bit, but the old one I use is a bit to tried and asmatic
schnide wrote:
A PS airflow helmet?

Will that simulate the wind through my hair and blow my cheeks out when I'm playing Warhawk?!

I'll get my coat.

The new ones might do that a bit, but the old one I use is a bit too tried and asthmatic to move stuff as rigid hair.
Maybe you could try a clip on desk fan, clipped to a peaked cap. It would a lot cheaper, a lot more powerful, and to heighten the experience, add real danger by removing the fan guard.
I take NO responsibility, should anybody try this, or tell someone less prone to thinking to try this. So if SS4 or Bentley gets their face fanned a bit too hard, it not my fault, right.
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