Sony’s Sixaxis Emmy Claims Flatly Denied

National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences says so

Posted by Staff
Sony’s Sixaxis Emmy Claims Flatly Denied
A press release issued this Monday from SCEA read, "Sony Computer Entertainment America Wins Emmy Award for PLAYSTATION 3 SIXAXIS Wireless Controller."

In the same release, SCEA president and CEO, Jack Tretton, attributed this apparent success to "overwhelming consumer demand and critical acclaim".

Intrepid blogger Séamus Byrne over on his Hydrapinion blog reports that he contacted NATAS to find out how Sony’s Sixaxis had won the accolade while seemingly Nintendo’s Wii Remote had been overlooked.

A NATAS rep told him in no uncertain terms, "I would like to confirm that Sony did not win for their PS3 controller, they won for their Dual Shock analog controller…The award is from the Video Game Technology Group. It was nominated by our internal group and considered along with the Nintendo D-Pad both of which were considered Emmy worthy for the development of the generation of controllers that followed the classic joysticks.”

SCEA has not released a response to the misinformation as yet. However, a Sony spokesman told SPOnG today,"We're asking the Japanese - the Japanese are asking the Americans. So, currently, I'm looking into it."

The final list of winners on NATAS’s website would seem to confirm that Sony has made a bit of a boo-boo on this occasion.


Bentley 10 Jan 2007 23:10
Hopefully this will make Sony rethink their crazy decision to ruin the controller for PS3.
warbaby 11 Jan 2007 00:06
I read this yesterday and was actually quite relieved. I couldn't understand how the SIXAXIS actually won an Emmy.

As for Sony, keep your foot in your mouth, maybe it'll stop you from spewing the BS that so frequently finds itself on your lips.
SCiARA 11 Jan 2007 11:28

""I accepted the award myself and all they said was that the award was for 'technological innovation for device controller'," Sony US spokesman Dave Karraker told Next-gen. "But looking back, they never really did say for which one."

"Due to miscommunication between the two organizations, this information was incorrectly reported. SCEA won a Technology and Engineering Emmy Award for the DualShock controller," stated Sony.


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